Competition last Wednesday night at the official opening of the exhibition at the Cobar Railway Station: Cathy Francisco, Barry Simes, Daphne Jermyn and Tanya
Greenshields with Diana Barnes (representing event sponsor Aurelia Metals) and
Cobar Arts Council secretary Susan Singleton.
Cobar Arts Council had a wonderful response from local artists with more than 150 entries for this year’s Art and Photography competition and exhibition.
The winners of each category were announced at the exhibition Official Opening last Wednesday night at the Cobar Railway Station.
Rural artist Tanya Greenshields, who lives on a property near Wilcannia, cleaned up winning the Drawing, Landscape and Painting sections and also collected the Thellie Wade Best Painting Trophy and the Joan Singleton Overall Excellence Trophy.
Cathy Francisco won the Photography section; Barry Simes was awarded first place in Sculpture; Natalia Papierniak-Wojtowicz earned first place in the Open Art Form category; and Daphne Jermyn was the winner in the Handicraft section.
The results from each category were:
Section 1 Drawing—1st Tanya Greenshields ‘Gate’, 2nd Susan Singleton ‘Crab’ and Highly Commended Tanya Greenshields ‘Billy Goat’.
Section 2 Landscape Painting—1st Tanya Greenshields ‘Desert Pea’, 2nd Anita Neate ‘Lambs grazing in the distance’, H/C Mathew Wang ‘Cobar Streetscape’ and H/C Ann-Maree Johnson ‘Sheep Grazing’.
Section 3 Painting (not landscape) – 1st Tanya Greenshields ‘Dixie the Kelpie’, 2nd Ann-Maree Johnson ‘Macrocarpa’ and H/C Ann-Maree Johnson ‘Golden Eagle’.
Section 4 Photography—1st Cathy Francisco ‘Garden Beauty’, 2nd Cathy Francisco ‘Our Mate’, H/C Amabella Harvey ‘Old Man’s Joy’ and H/C Addison Cull ‘Stormy Sky’.
Section 5 Sculpture—1st Barry Simes ‘Hard Water’, 2nd Barry Simes ‘Suspension Table’, H/C Dominic Francisco ‘Rust Devil’ and H/C Isla McKervey ‘Miner’s Ghost Grave’.
Section 6 Open Art Form—1st Natalia Papierniak-Wojtowicz ‘Plastic Bouquet’, 2nd Michael Chillingworth ‘Paris’ and H/C Rebekah Donaldson ‘Bird on Wood’.
Section 7 Handicraft—1st Daphne Jermyn ‘Re’, 2nd Irena Barrett ‘Back Home’ and H/C Cathy Francisco ‘Headband’.
Encouragement Awards went to: Willow Raffael, Isabella Lowe, Grace Mackay, Tim McClure, Jo McClure, Isla McKervey and Rahni Crofts.
The People’s Choice winner was Mathew Wang with his ‘Cobar Streetscape’ proving to be a popular pick for exhibition viewers.
As part of the Official Opening, Susan Singleton’s young drama group put on a short performance, Toomey Tunes piano students entertained along with members of Cobar High School’s Taiko Drumming group.