Cobar Mobile Childrens Services hosted kinesiologist Brendan O’Hara on Monday with Brendan conducting a movement workshop for local mums and bubs.
“Basically we looked at early childhood development and we did some work with the babies. We looked at crawling patterns and I suggested a couple of things that they could do,” Brendan told The Cobar Weekly.
He explained how rolling, rocking and crawling all helped children to go on to walking correctly.
“These three things are really crucial
“With the older children we did a lot of calming activities because nowadays we see so much more anxiety,” he said.
“All the educators around the traps, working in the whole of the central western district, as well as other educators and teachers are talking about children not being self-regulated.
“They are talking about ‘Covid kids’.
“These children grew up during Covid and now they are at preschool as three and four year olds and their socializing skills are out of whack; their immune systems are down and their anxiety levels are very high.
“They’ve lost the ‘rhythm’ in their lives.”
Brendan showed parents some calming activities to help bring back the rhythm…Full story in this week’s edition out now!