issues. The guests are pictured with VIEW’s secretary Margaret Potter.
Cobar VIEW Club president Kate Winders welcomed members and visitors Judy Price, Rhonda Hansen and Ruth Marshall to the July meeting which was held last Tuesday at the Empire Hotel.
VIEW’s publicity officer Jean Poulter reports the guest speakers for the day were Integrated Health Care staff members Kelly Leonard and Rosemary Zannes.
Mrs Leonard is the social and community co-ordinator for the newly formed Integrated Health Care and is based at the Cobar Primary Health Care Centre.
“The general purpose of the new scheme is to help older folk, or those with handicaps to continue to live in their own homes,” Mrs Poulter reported.
She said Rosemary Zannes (along with Anna Dunlevy) are able to visit anyone who is interested in participating, and will work out an individual health assessment, as each person has different needs.
“They then work together with the client’s general practitioner.
“All information is strictly private and a further check-up can follow after three months.”
Mrs Poulter said people interested in being involved in the program can contact Mrs Leonard at the Cobar Primary Health Care Centre.
Also at last week’s meeting Mrs Winders presented badges to new members Jan Knight and Nell Merritt.
“Discussion took place on two future VIEW Club functions, namely a Mary Kay party held in early August and a proposed Spring Garden Party planned for early September,” Mrs Poulter reported.
Further information can be obtained from VIEW Club secretary Margaret Potter.
Voting took place on the four resolutions to be presented at the National VIEW Club conference in September.
Mrs Poulter said the subjects included action to be taken on child obesity and the control of domestic violence.
The meeting’s lucky door prize for the month was won by Narda Armstrong and the club raffle, a box of fruit and vegetables, was won by Nancy Shanahan.—contributed