the Cobar Youth Centre yesterday morning. Mr Vlatko said a review of CCTV footage
from the main street and Drummond Park area from Monday night/Tuesday morning
has identified that the damage was caused by local youths. He said it was very
disappointing as the whole purpose of the youth centre project was to provide a great
facility for youth. Cleaning up this damage will now cause a delay in finishing the
project. More graffiti was found at the skate park and on a window of a main street
business while damage was also caused to play equipment at the park. The incident has
been reported to police and they have also been provided with the CCTV footage.
Cobar Shire Council general manager Peter Vlatko inspecting the graffiti damage at
the Cobar Youth Centre yesterday morning. Mr Vlatko said a review of CCTV footage
from the main street and Drummond Park area from Monday night/Tuesday morning
has identified that the damage was caused by local youths. He said it was very
disappointing as the whole purpose of the youth centre project was to provide a great
facility for youth. Cleaning up this damage will now cause a delay in finishing the
project. More graffiti was found at the skate park and on a window of a main street
business while damage was also caused to play equipment at the park. The incident has
been reported to police and they have also been provided with the CCTV footage.