president with Latisha Bennett secretary, Christina Gordon treasurer and Nicole Buckman assistant treasurer along with general committee, Tony Polack, Jarrod Marsden, Brad Stanmore, Matt Bennett, Mescal and Jim Nicholls.
ter Mine Golf Challenge committee has donated the proceeds of their 2024 golf charity day to nine groups. Pictured above are the committee with representatives from the recipient groups including: the Brennan Centre, Macquarie Home Stay, The Cobar Weekly, Cobar Junior Golf, Cobar Lady Golfers, Cobar Bowling & Golf Club, Cobar Clay Target Club, Cobar Darts Association and the Copper City Men’s Shed. At the committee’s recent annual general meeting, Matt Knox was elected as
president with Latisha Bennett secretary, Christina Gordon treasurer and Nicole Buckman assistant treasurer along with general committee, Tony Polack, Jarrod Marsden, Brad Stanmore, Matt Bennett, Mescal and Jim Nicholls.