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Fun and games at Kubby
Kubby House Child Care Centre held a Family and Carers Breakfast last Thursday morning at the centre as an early Father’s Day celebration. Families and carers were invited to join their kids for breakfast and games. Pictured at the breakfast is the Evans family, Scott, Colt and Chloe. Photo […]

A cuddle from dad
The Mini League ‘Dads versus Kids’ Father’s Day fun game to end the season on Sunday at Tom Knight Memorial Oval was pretty cute to watch as lots of the tackles from the dads looked more like cuddles! Pictured above are defending dads Saul Hyland and Josh Burke tackling Max […]

Opportunity for landholders to grow capacity at field day
The Mosely family hosted a field day at their Etiwanda property on Monday with landholders invited to find out about opportunities to improve landscape health, drought resilience and increase production and profit. The event was an opportunity for like-minded people to gather to discuss topics relevant to the region and […]