Perfect weather greeted 148 players for the 30th year anniversary of the Inter Mine Golf Challenge on Saturday.
The weekend kicked off with a meet and greet on Friday night to acknowledge the wonderful sponsors who supplied the prizes for the charity day.
A few sore heads then lined up the next morning for the 18 hole competition with many a wayward golf ball lost along the way.
Handicaps played a big part in the overall winning score.
Travis and Nicole Buckman, along with Craig Jones, posted the best net score on the day with 58 net to take the team title for 2022.
A team of well seasoned golfers, Roy Ben-nett, Tony ‘Boy George’ Harding and Peter Hutchinson, were a fraction behind for run-ners-up posting 58⅓ net.
CSA’s team of Jay Egan, Jai Stephenson and Adam Doherty’s 59 net secured the win in the best mine score category.
The runners-up, also representing CSA, were Rod Chapman, David Tomek and Gra-ham Tomek with 59 5/6.
The Brewarrina trio (Morris Sullivan, Mathew Sullivan and Bruce Bennett) took out the Men’s division on 59 1/6 net on a count-back from Craig Dillon, Alan Sharpe and Peter ‘China’ Brian’s team.
Fay Hardwick along with Wan Sipatsa and Lily Jongatana were the ladies winners with a 59 2/3 nett score.
The runner-up in the ladies section on 62 2/3 net was the team of Brenda Fugar, Jan-nine Wilkin and Karen Manns.
The best mixed team on the day were Nick Buckman, Tegan Hamilton and Robert Hen-derson having 63 net with the Nyngan team of Stephen Parry and Janine and Tim Tu-lenew a close second with 63 1/6 net.
The novelty prizes for the ladies went to Chrissy Gilligan (longest drive), Narelle Kriz (straightest drive and nearest the pins on the 11th and 15th holes). Other pin winners were Fay Hardwick (3rd), Latisha Bennett (7th) and Michelle Deppeler on the 8th hole.
Jay Egan was the longest drive winner for the men while Phil Gilligan was the straight-est shooter.
Closest to the flag were Matt Plummer (3rd), Graham Tomek (7th), Dean McLeod (8th), Mark Martin on the 11th hole and Mick Bannister on the 15th. The five best scores from each mine team
determined the Inter Mine Golf Challenge
winners for 2022 with CSA convincing winners
with 297⅓ net.
Tritton had a good roll up this year and finished
second with 310⅓ net followed by Peak,
with a score of 320 5/6 net.
The day concluded with an auction and the
drawing of the major sponsor Tyre Doctor
golf cart, which was won by a very deserving
and extremely excited Pat Polack.
A lot of work goes into the running of the
annual Challenge event and without the many
‘roped in’ committee members, sponsors,
Cobar Yabbies members, Rotary Club volunteers,
the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club staff
plus many more helping hands, this event
could not take place and provide much needed
assistance to the organisations that benefit
from the day.
The committee has advised that planning for
2023 will start early next year to ensure another
great charity tournament for all to enjoy.
The celebrations that continued on Saturday
night were too much for most lady golfers on
Sunday (as well as the cold change in the
weather) and only two players turned up for
Trophy Day which will now be played at a
later date.
Still recovering from the Rose Bowl weekend,
last Wednesday’s ladies Stableford game
could only attract the minimum amount of
four players to hold the competition.
Susan Goonrey cleaned up with 35 points
for the win and also collected the Nearest the
Pin prize in B Grade.
Fran Samios was second on 33 points and
picked up the A Grade pin prize.
As golfers head into the last month of winter,
a Par game is set down for today and a
variation Stableford (draw for partner) is on
Sunday will be a stroke round.—T’d Off