Commissioner’s Certificate of Commendation for outstanding actions in relation to fire service duties at the 2024 St Florian’s Day Ceremony at the RFS Training Academy in Dubbo on Saturday. Captain Betts is pictured with NSW RFS Far West Team members District Coordinator David Hagarty and District Manager Inspector Brad Lennon.
▪ Photo contributed
NSW Rural Fire Service Nymagee Brigade Captain David Betts received a Commissioner’s Certificate of Commendation for outstanding fire service duty.
Captain Betts was presented with the commendation by NSW Rural Fire Service Commissioner Rob Rogers AFSM at the 2024 St Florian’s Day Ceremony at the RFS Training Academy in Dubbo on Saturday.
He was recognised for his contribution to Nymagee Brigade, his leadership and his skills in responding to incidents.
Captain Betts joined the Nymagee Brigade in 1982, becoming an active valued member.
In 2000 he became Senior Deputy Captain and in 2005 accepted the role of Captain.
Captain Betts has taken control of many incidents within his brigade area and also responded to assist neighbouring brigades on numerous occasions.
He is acknowledged and respected by members and staff as an effective and capable fireground leader.
In February 2023 the Nymagee area experienced increased fire activity from dangerous weather conditions.
Under Captain Betts’ leadership, a fire at Yarranvale was contained (after burning 193 hectares) by crews.
Later that afternoon he organised more resources (including water bombing aircraft) to contain a fire on Etiwanda Station to just 70 hectares and oversaw the patrolling of the fire grounds for the next few days.
His actions and dedications made him a worthy recipient of the Commissioner’s Commendation.