cake at the Empire Hotel last week.
Cobar VIEW Club ladies celebrated the
club’s 38th birthday in style at the Empire
Hotel last Tuesday.
Kate Winders, a founding member, welcomed
Mayor Peter Abbott and wife Carol to
the luncheon and related a brief history of the
club’s beginnings and ongoing activities.
VIEW Clubs are a fundraising arm of the
Smith Family charity.
Over the years, assistance has developed
from gathering donated clothing to supporting
the organisation’s ‘Learning for Life’ educational
program which supports students
through primary, high school and further education.
All funds raised through raffles go towards
this worthwhile initiative.
Locally, members are involved in ‘Meals on
Wheels’ delivery, hospital and Lilliane Brady
Village visits and personal contact with home
based members.
Party entertainment in the form of skits and
stories, interspersed with music from the 80’s
by John Peebles, kept everyone amused and
toe tapping at last weeks luncheon.
Enid Coath was presented with flowers for
her 90th birthday and had the honour of cutting
the club’s birthday cake.
Lillian Simpson won the raffle.
Members are reminded of the Bring and Buy
table for next month’s meeting.—