annual carnival on Sunday finishing with some great results.
A squad of Cobar Little A’s members
competed at the Parkes Little Athletics
club’s annual carnival on Sunday.
Cobar club president Troy Knight said all
the kids did well in cold and windy conditions.
The results from the day were: Lauren
O’Sullivan, Under 8’s—1st 100m, 2nd 70m
and 700m, 3rd 200m and 4th Long Jump;
Thomas Knight, Under 9’s—2nd Discus, 3rd
70m and 100m, 4th Long Jump and 200m;
Benjamin Landsowne—competed in the 70m,
100m and 800m; Max Ellison, Under 7’s—
competed in the 70m and 100m; Ford and
Murph Ellison, Tinytots—competed in the
70m, 100m, and sack races; Isabelle Gillette,
Under 9’s—competed in the 70m, 100m,
200m, 400m, Long Jump, Discus and Shotput;
Joshua Gillette, Under 7’s—1st Long
Jump, 2nd Discus and 3rd Shot Put; Malcolm
Gillette, Under 13’s—1st Javelin and 2nd
Discus; and Julius Blackmore, Under 7’s—
3rd Discus.