The Cobar Judo Club held its end of year training/grading and shiai (a match, game, fight or competition) events on the weekend to cap off the year for the sport.
Cobar Judo Sensei Ray Chandler said the sport has recently witnessed a resurge in popularity and there were big numbers in attendance for this year’s grading event.
The weekend commenced on Saturday morning with a training session which was later followed by grading for eligible members wanting to advance in rank.
“With a sudden influx of new students in the latter half of the year, there was much anticipation and nerves on the part of new students being graded for the first time as well as long time students making their way into the more senior ranks,” Sensei Ray reported.
The following grades were earned: Tim McClure, Ryan Jiang, Joseph Theakston and Mark Hibbert were awarded junior 5th Kyu Yellow belts; Caleb Theakston earned junior 4th Kyu Orange belt and Jaina Chandler was awarded a junior 3rd Kyu Green belt.
On Sunday the members of the Cobar dojo participated in the end of year shiai competition.
When the dust had cleared, the following placings were achieved: Mons (Under 10 years)—1st Tim McClure, 2nd Ryan Jiang and 3rd Joshua Ho Wing; Yonens (Under 13 years)—1st Kian Engelbrecht, 2nd Joseph Theakston and 3rd Mark Hibbert; Shonens (Under 16 years)—1st Caleb Theakston, 2nd Ruth McClure and 3rd Jaina Chandler; Sienen (16+ years/Open)—1st Paul Theakston, 2nd Isaac Theakston and 3rd Connor Caton.
Ryan Jiang and Joshua Ho Wing won awards for the best bout, with Connor Caton winning an award for the best ippon (point scored).
These three participants will have their names added to the club’s Peter Fairbank Memorial Trophy.
Ryan Jiang’s name was also added to the Sue Duell Memorial Trophy for his spirited display of Judo and dedication to the art.
“It’s hoped he will continue to impress,” Sensei Ray commented.
That brings to an end the Cobar Judo Club’s activities for 2022 with training to recommence in 2023.—contributed