Cobar is gearing up for another big influx of visitors this weekend as we celebrate two major festivals and two sporting club reunions.
Many of the visitors this weekend will be familiar faces who are planning to return “home” for what is going to be a big weekend of non-stop entertainment.
Cobar Shire Council has a big program of events lined up for their second Grey Mardi Gras Festival which celebrates 1950s, 60s and 70s music, fashion and culture.
The Grey Mardi Gras has this year been combined with our long running annual Festival of the Miner’s Ghost which celebrates Cobar’s rich mining history.
The twin-festival events include an art exhibition, a dinner dance, street parade, markets, a big Gig on the Grass concert, a Mini Mining Expo and a Night to Remember Our Lost Miners.
The Cobar Yabbies Senior Men’s Swimming Club are holding a reunion to mark their 51st season (COVID restrictions spoiled the planned 50th reunion last year) and the Cobar Rugby League Football Club’s Claytons Cup 1971/1972 teams are also planning to reunite in Cobar this weekend.
The itinerary for the Yabbies Reunion is a busy one with a Meet & Greet on Friday night, town tours, a swimming carnival, and reunion dinner on Saturday while a recovery brunch has been organised for Sunday.
The Clayton Cup sides’ reunion is a bit more low key with team mates planning to meet up on Friday night to discuss and re-live ‘some of the good old days’ and then the Old Boys plan to join in the Yabbies reunion dinner on Saturday night.
See Page 5 for full festival program.