Cobar Auto Club conducted Round 1 of the 2017 Coates Hire Stadium Motocross Tri Series on Saturday evening.
The track was in great condition after the recent rain and there were some tight battles between the riders.
While there wasn’t a large contingent of senior riders competing on Saturday night, the future of the sport is however looking good with 50 junior nominations received.
In the 50cc High Powers class Clay McDonald was first over the line closely followed by Cohan Nicholson and Billy George.
In the 65cc 7-9 years class Zach Snudden grabbed first place over visitors Nick Sweeney (from Merrygoen) and Emily Seeliger (Dubbo).
The visitors claimed all three top spots in the 65cc 10-12 years class with Jonty Hatton (Dubbo) first, Xavier Ferguson (Broken Hill) was second and Sam Cronin (Bourke) finished in third place.
The 85cc 9-11 years field was also dominated by the visitors with Jonty Hatton (Dubbo) taking the chequered flag from Emily Seeliger (Dubbo) second and Nick Sweeney (Merrygoen) was third.
In the older 85cc age division, 12-15 years, the Dubbo riders went 1,2,3 with Justin Harrow first, Jayke Seeliger was second and Kyan Hatton was third.
Dubbo’s Emily Geale won the Junior Ladies class.
Brock McAdam from Bourke beat Dubbo riders Justin Harrow (second) and Jayke Seeliger (third) in the Junior Lites division.
Fighting it out in the Senior Lites class, Nic Tomlinson (Forbes) eventually won over Dubbo’s Thomas Geale and local Luke Dinnerville was back in third place.
Local riders dominated the Senior Opens class with Luke Dinnerville finishing as the winner over Dion Fitzsimmons and Wayne Blenkiron (Narromine) was third.
Dinnerville also claimed the win in the All Powers class with Tomlinson second and Thomas Geale was third.
Fitzsimmons won the Greybeards class (riders 35 years and older) ahead of Blenkiron and Lawrence Fairey (Gilgandra) was third.