The Cobar Junior AFL Auskick season came to an end last Friday with juniors playing their final games before presentations and a sausage sizzle. This year’s competition ran over four months and involved 10 Auskick sessions with 51 juniors taking part. Auskick coordinator Denver D’Angelo said while registrations were slightly less than last year, attendance each week had been a lot more consistent which he attributes to the team captains. “It was great for the kids as you could see them learning more this year,” Mr D’Angelo said. He praised CB Tyres for helping keep the balls pumped up, the volunteers that helped each week with first aid and cooking the sausage sizzles and also the Cobar Blues Football & Netball club for supporting the program this year. Pictured above at St John’s School oval is the group of young players with their team captains/coaches Thomas Lethbridge and Joanne Summerville, sponsors Michael Ware from Atlas Copco and Jacquie Huddleston from Country Simplicity, coordinator Denver D’Angelo and captain/coach Bianka Jacobson. (Absent from the photo was one of the team captain/coaches Tom Edgar.)
The Cobar Senior Rugby League Football Club welcomed a few new young faces to their committee at their annual general meeting on Sunday. Emily Claus and Jessica Claus will share the secretary’s role and Rachel Garland was welcomed as the club’s new treasurer. John Claus was returned as the club’s […]
A core group of Cobar Blues footballers has been given six weeks to determine if there is the likelihood of the club being able to field an AFL team next season. For the past 21 years the Blues have been part of the Northern Riverina League (NRL) competition and when […]
The Cobar Buffalo Lodge No 44 has donated $500 to the Copper City Men’s Shed in recognition of the support the shed members provided to a long term lodge member who recently passed away. Men’s Shed Coordinator Gordon Hill said supporting others is part of what Men’s Sheds are all […]