Participants in the Cobar Shire Library’s school holidays art and craft workshop on Monday morning, Ethan Jebb, Christopher Florance and Sam McKervey with Library staff member Krissy Mann. The workshop activity for 5-7 year olds was sand art with participants creating snails, caterpillars, butterflies and hot air balloon pictures to name a few. The participants for Monday afternoon’s 8 years + session decorated leather belts. More activities are planned for today and also Friday.
Participants in the Cobar Shire Library’s school holidays art and craft workshop on Monday morning, Ethan Jebb, Christopher Florance and Sam McKervey with Library staff member Krissy Mann. The workshop activity for 5-7 year olds was sand art with participants creating snails, caterpillars, butterflies and hot air balloon pictures to name a few. The participants for Monday afternoon’s 8 years + session decorated leather belts. More activities are planned for today and also Friday.
The annual Bannister Day golf event on Saturday attracted 21 players for the men’s Stableford competition and 17 players for the ladies’ Stableford game. Steve Manns was the men’s winner finishing the day with a very good score of 43 stableford points while Trudy Elder, (a Bannister family descendant) won […]
An estimated crowd of 170 locals and visitors gathered to be serenaded with classical music as the sun set at the official opening of Cobar’s unique Sound Chapel on Saturday. The idea of creating a unique sound installation artwork in Cobar has been 10 years in the making for its […]
Cobar Junior Rugby League hosted War-ren and Wellington teams on Saturday at Tom Knight Memorial Oval for Round 11 of the Dubbo and District Junior Rugby League Competition. The Cobar Under 10s, 11s and Under 12s all finished with big wins against the Warren visitors. In the Under 10s match, […]