Another cohort of Cobar High School students has commenced a Mining Path-ways Work Skills Preparation training program with the CSA Mine.
The group of nine students are the fourth lot of Cobar High students to undertake the work preparation program which gives them an insight into what it’s like to work in the min-ing industry.
Cobar High School principal Shane Carter said the program, which had its first group of students graduate the pilot course in July 2019, is of great benefit to both students and the CSA Mine.
“The students get to see firsthand the differ-ent jobs that are available at the mine and the mine in turn get to see the students in the workplace for potential employment,” Mr Carter told The Cobar Weekly.
This new group of students is participating in a modified work readiness program which has been adjusted to suits the needs of the mine.
“Students will receive training in a variety of areas such as working at heights and in confined spaces,” Mr Carter said.
As part of their six week training course, there is a strong practical/hands-on compo-nent where the students use the mine’s re-sources and equipment as well as interact with a wide cross section of mine employees.
Students will attend the CSA Mine one day a week.
The graduates from this course will be well placed to win apprenticeships and train-eeships upon completion of their HSC.