Dear editor
Once again a person or persons (through apparent rage) have rearranged the rock barrier at the southern end of the Newey.
The latest incident occurred sometime between 5pm on Friday September 1 and 6am on Saturday September 2.
By the looks of the amount of evidence left at the scene, quite an effort has been put into dragging these rocks away.
This barrier is there for a purpose.
One main reason is to protect the people who use the Newey for purposes other than driving from the possibility of being hit by a vehicle.
This action could be seen as an act of vandalism and the perpetrators should be able to be tracked through the CCTV cameras located at the Newey and made to pay the expenses incurred by Cobar Shire Council to replace this barrier every time a person decides to remove it.
Council staff have more important issues to attend to rather than keep replacing and repairing damage caused by inconsiderate individuals.
I just can’t understand what possesses people to commit such a senseless act.
Julie Payne, Cobar.