Year: 2022

Project to manage asbestos at Kaloogleguy reserve
The NSW Government will invest more than $420,000 to install a perimeter fence, gates and signs around a part of the Kaloogleguy Crown Land Reserve adjacent to the western side of the town. The work is part of a staged plan to clean-up asbestos contamination on the site. A 60-hectare […]

Farm tour to see ripping and ponding practices first hand
NSW Department of Primary Industries and Western Local Land Services are working with Cobar farmers to help them rehydrate and revegetate their landscapes using deep ripping and ponding practices. Scott Preisig and Belinda Blake at Merrylands north west of Cobar are among the group of farmers who are taking part […]

Bananas record a brilliant win
The Touch juniors and adults competition grand finals were contested on Thursday at Tom Knight Memorial Oval with the match of the night played in the Juniors 9-12 years age division, which was eventually won by the Bananas (pictured above). After narrowly trailing at half time, the Bananas fought their […]

Cheers to Christmas
Among the locals enjoying the festive atmosphere at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club’s Community Christmas Party on Saturday night were Michelle Deppeler, Shane and Sue Martin, Graham and Sally Bartlett, Doug Rorke, Paul and Marie Lawrence. The night was an opportunity to celebrate with family, friends or staff with […]

Cobar Public School was buzzing last week at bee talk
Cobar Public School was buzzing on Monday when local beekeeper, Lil Garbutt, called in to speak to the students about bees. Lil and her husband Mick run Garbamir Honey, a small family-owned apiary here in Cobar. The students had been learning about bees at the school and one of the […]

Touch games showcased lots of skills and plenty of pace
SpongeBobs eventually won the Junior 13-16 years Touch grand final, 10-7, on Thursday night at Tom Knight Memorial Oval in a fast-paced, high scoring match. Referees Bianka Jacobson and Simone Neyland did well to keep up with the free-flowing match that showcased plenty of pace as well as excellent draw […]

DJW Dingoes turn out in force to take B Grade title
The DJW Dingoes not only outnumbered their Rusty Snails opposition in last Thursday night’s B Grade Adults Mixed Touch grand final, they also outplayed them, with DJW Dingoes winning by a big margin of 17-2. The end of season decider was one of four Touch matches played at Tom Knight […]