The windy conditions on Saturday did not deter the 80 keen motocross riders who competed in the final round of the Coates MX Tri Series at the Cobar Auto Club.
Consistency over the three rounds was the key to winning the series.
Zach Snudden and Tye Henderson battled for the lead in the 65cc and 85cc classes and Luke Dinnerville and Thomas Geale demonstrated the importance of getting the holeshot in the senior classes.
The competition was fierce in the large Junior Lites class, with the leaders changing in each round.
The winners in each class and the results from Round 3 were:
50cc High Powers—Champion Clay McDonald; Round 3 1st Clay McDonald, 2nd Will Cale (Narromine) and 3rd Billy George.
65cc 7-Under 9 Years—Champion Clay McDonald; Round 3 1st Nate Henderson (Dubbo), 2nd Clay McDonald and 3rd Billy George.
65cc 9-Under 12 Years—Champion Zach Snudden; Round 3 1st Zach Snudden, 2nd Tye Henderson (Dubbo) and 3rd Asher Morse (Dubbo).
85cc 9-Under 12 Years—Champion Zac Snudden; Round 3 1st Zach Snudden, 2nd Tye Henderson (Dubbo) and 3rd Eddie Barber (Narromine).
85cc 12-Under 16 Years—Champion Joshua Scott; Round 3 1st Justin Harrow (Dubbo), 2nd Ryan Johnston (Dubbo) and 3rd Kye Cronin (Bourke).
Junior Ladies—Champion Caitlin Norris; Round 3 1st Emma Geale (Dubbo) and 2nd Caitlin Norris.
Junior Lites—Champion William Ambrose; Round 3 1st Justin Harrow (Dubbo), 2nd Dylan Boland and 3rd William Ambrose.
MX 2 Senior Lites—Champion Luke Dinnerville; Round 3 1st Thomas Geale (Dubbo), 2nd Luke Dinnerville and 3rd Joel Mawhinney.
MX 1 Senior Opens—Champion Luke Dinnerville; Round 3 1st Luke Dinnerville, 2nd Craig Konza and 3rd Dion Fitzsimmons.
MX All Powers—Champion Luke Dinnerville; Round 3 1st Luke Dinnerville, 2nd Craig Konza and 3rd Thomas Geale (Dubbo).
Senior Ladies—Champion Jayde George; Round 3 1st Shakira Colling and 2nd Jayde George.
Veterans—Champion Dion Fitzsimmons; Round 3 1st Dion Fitzsimmons, 2nd Beau Snudden and 3rd Joel Parisi.—contributed