A group of 128 members of the Ulysses RV Group spent the past week in Cobar based at the Cobar Caravan Park enjoying the sights and sound of the town as they held their annual general meeting.
Ulysses Members RV Group national coordinator Rick Bedford said many members commented upon the friendliness of the people and businesses in the town and how welcome they were made to feel.
“John and Karen Dineen and their staff at the caravan park, along with John Martin from the Information Centre went to incredible lengths to ensure that our stay here was enjoyable, and the laughter and smiles amongst our members each day and night were ample testimony to the success of their efforts,” Mr Bedford said.
“Mayor Lilliane Brady opened our general meeting with a short speech and she was roundly applauded.
“The Festival of the Miner’s Ghost was perfect timing for us to visit, and from feedback received, everyone enjoyed the festivities, markets and entertainment,” he said.
The group also had guided bus tours of Peak Gold Mine and a visit to a local bird aviary that kept their members well entertained as well as providing some gainful knowledge.
“During the week, the club ran a raffle with prizes donated by the Caravan Park and by our members.
“The raffle raised a total of $575 which we decided to donate to the Cobar Men’s Shed to assist with its operation.
“Many of our members are retired from the workforce, and for the men in particular who have found Men’s Sheds a valuable resource for them to continue to maintain their self-esteem and learn new skills or to try out things they never had time for when working, the donation was roundly supported.
“Cobar, we have had a wonderful week, and the general consensus when we headed off in different directions for home or to continue our adventures on the road was “we will be back.”