A truck was completely destroyed by fire in a blaze which closed the Kidman Way last Thursday.
Local emergency services were called to the fire around 30km north of Cobar at 12.40pm last Thursday where a road train was found to be well alight.
The truck driver had escaped unharmed.
Fire & Rescue NSW, Police, paramedics and Rural Fire Service personnel were assisted on the scene by Cobar Shire Council staff.
Fire & Rescue NSW Station 256 captain Tony Walkinshaw said the crews “worked well together” in extremely hot and difficult conditions to prevent the spread of the fire to nearby bushland.
He said Cobar’s Fire & Rescue NSW bulk water tanker along with the Rural Fire Service bulk water tanker were both deployed to transport water to the scene for fire fighting operations.
The Kidman Way was blocked in both
directions until the area was deemed safe enough for traffic to pass using an adjacent dirt path.
The truck was totally destroyed by the fire with the road also sustaining some damage as a result of the intense heat.
The cause of the fire is still under investigation but it was not deemed to be suspicious.