The last lot of ore was hauled to the surface of Aurelia Metals’ Hera Mine on Friday morning marking the end of an era for the Nymagee icon.
Since commissioning in 2014, Hera has produced 3.2 million tonnes of ore.
The final truck of ore made its way to Hera’s processing plant where it was turned into a lead-zinc concentrate which was railed via Hermidale to the Port of Newcastle for export.
While Friday marked the end of one chapter for operations at the Hera Mine, its infrastructure will go on to be used to process ore from Aurelia’s new Federation Mine 10kms away which is currently under development.
Aurelia Metals Interim Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Graham, said the near-term start up of the new Federation Mine will see the company continue its commitment to the Nymagee and Cobar communities for at least another eight years.
“We’ve been very proud to have supported 180 jobs here at Hera and contribute $216 million to the local economy since the mine began in 2014,” Mr Graham said…Read the full story in this week’s edition, available now!