The Cobar Bowmans Club held their end of year presentation at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club on Saturday night.
Club president Darrel ‘Dasha’ Warren presented Roger Anderson with the Clubman of the Year award for his continuous dedication to improving and maintaining the club’s facilities.
The category winners of the season were: Master Bowhunter Unlimited—Jason Mitchell; Men’s Longbow Division—Roger Anderson; Master Free Style Unlimited winner—Scott Meadows; runner-up Darren Myer; Lady Bowhunter Unlimited—Jasmine Bain; Most Improved and Ladies Division winner—Shakira Colling; Junior Boy Advanced winner—James Anderson; Junior Boy Advanced runner-up—James Mitchell.
Scott Meadows cleaned up taking home the perpetual Best Goat, Best Pig and Bow Hunter of the Year trophies.
The club in now in recess.