priced ram Etiwanda 204270 (pictured above) selling for $4,200. All five of the Etiwanda
rams offered for sale sold to an average of $3,680. This included three rams sold via
Auctionsplus to Augathella, in Queensland. A total of 101 of the 114 offered rams sold on
the day and averaged $3,015.
5th Annual Cobar Ram Sale, conducted
by the Nutrien Harcourts Cobar
team last Tuesday, had a strong field of
buyers and attracted a crowd of more than
300 on the day.
This year’s sale incorporated a Boer Goat
Production Sale with Nutrien Ag Russell’s
livestock agent, Luke Scales, reporting it was
a much stronger market this year.
“It comes on the back of high meat values
which resulted in a new record top for the sale
at $7,800 which is $3,800 in excess of last
year’s top price,” Luke said.
“The 2021 sale averaged $3,015.84 which is
up on close to $1,000 on last year’s strong
“We saw over 15 rams sell above $5,000
and 27 rams selling from $4,000 to $5,000.
“The biggest majority of the offering sold
between $2,000 to $3,500,” Luke reported.
Dell Dorpers had the top priced lot with a
$7,800 ram which was purchased by a Nutrien
Charleville client, Smit Dorpers.
“Their 12 ram consignment averaged
“Repeat buyers from the western division,
such as the Old family of Bourke, also took a
trailer full of the Dell rams home.
“Local Cobar stud, Etiwanda White
Dorpers, also had a cracking day selling their
consignment to average $3,680 with their top
Ram selling to $4,800,” Luke reported.
“Another Cobar local stud, Kerrigundi
White Dorpers, had a great day with their
consignment averaging $2,200.”
There was the addition of the Sheepmaster
breed to the sale this year with a top price
achieved by Cobar local stud, Janaree Sheepmaster,
selling for $2,200.
“This year we saw a small consignment of
the Bulmar Ultrawhites with everyone blown
away by the length and capacity of those display
sires penned outside, the ultrawhites
topped at $6,400 to average $4,600,” Luke
In the goats section, 24 purebred standard
Boer does and 14 fullblood standard Boer
bucks were offered on behalf of Dusty Downs
and Cobar locals, the Allen family of Davrik
“With a larger crowd we ended up at a total
clearance with the registered does all making
$350-$370, the unregistered purebreds selling
for $300 and the bucks from both vendors
making from $500-$750.
“It’s safe to say, Cobar is the sale to come
to when looking for quality rams,” Luke said.