Cobar Shire Council last week had to re-plant another new tree in the main street following a vandalism attack which
occurred in the early hours of Thursday morning.
Council’s head of Parks and Gardens Paul Sullivan found the damage on Thursday morning and later obtained CCTV footage from a nearby business of the two male perpetrators believed to have damaged the tree at around 1.20am on Thursday morning.
The incident was reported to local police.
Mr Sullivan said staff had been proud of how the recent tree planting program had improved the look of the main street.
“These trees are not easy to source, we just can’t go down to Khan’s and get a new one,” he said.
Council’s general manager Peter Vlatko was angered by the senseless damage saying council had invested money to improve the appearance of the main street by planting more trees to make it more green and aesthetically pleasing to visitors.
He is keen to see the perpetrators of the vandalism caught and made to pay for the damage they caused.