Nationals candidate for the Barwon State election Andrew Schier was in Cobar last week talking to locals.
Mr Schier said while he did get a few comments that things were “a bit quiet with the drought” he was pleased to hear a number of retailers saying they were keeping busy with a lot of caravaners around at the moment.
He said he was disappointed to hear of some recent incidents of vandalism of shop windows in the main street and encourages Cobar Shire Council and the Cobar Business Association to look into Federal and State Government grant funding for security upgrades (including the installation of CCTV cameras).
When questioned about Cobar’s water pipe problems and what he can do about them, Mr Schier said while the matter requires Cabinet approval, he has been “pushing on every door”.
“The message has been heard and I feel confident that a decision will be made soon.
“I will keep pushing until we get the right result,” Mr Schier said.