The Rotary Club of Cobar has been working in the background during the COVID lockdown to provide support to local primary school students.
Working with the Penrith Valley Rotary Club in Sydney, the Cobar club last week delivered ‘School in a Box’ packs for students at Cobar Public School and St John’s School.
The Louth and Hermidale primary schools are also to be involved in the project.
Cobar Rotary Club secretary Gordon Hill said the project provides basic stationery items to students which have been chosen in consultation with the school principals.
“Principals are also able to request addition-al items that their school might need as well,” Mr Hill said.
He said all of the schools were keen to be involved in the project to assist with their home learning programs.
Mr Hill said in conversations with a few parents, it became obvious that there are a number of Cobar families that would benefit from assistance with items to support their children to learn at home.
Each ‘School in a Box’ kit includes: scis-sors, a glue stick, coloured pencil set, lead pencils, a pencil sharpener, a blank page workbook, a grid page workbook, a colouring-in book and a pencil eraser which is deliv-ered in a plastic document holder.
Mr Hill said all of the items in each kit have been purchased from a local business and were packed by Rotary members.
Cobar Rotary funded the purchase of 100 kits with 50 kits donated to Cobar Public School and 50 kits to St John’s Primary School at a total cost of $2,590.
Mr Hill said this project fitted in well with the Cobar club’s target this year to support youth and education.
“These Home Learning kits will now be distributed to local families in need by the staff of both schools,” Mr Hill said.
“The Cobar Rotary Club will continue to liaise with the principals of both schools in the future regarding further home-schooling needs depending on the duration of COVID lockdowns affecting student attendance at their schools.
“While the Rotary Club of Cobar is only a small club with 12 members, we continue to meet the needs of the community by support-ing local farmers with the club’s Drought Relief Support program now into its third year and a strong Return and Earn recycling pro-gram is raising funds for community projects.
“The Rotary Club of Cobar is always keen to recruit new members,” Mr Hill said.