addition to refurbishing the Rotunda, shades have been erected over the barbecue area
and over the toilet block. The front footpath is also being replaced. The upgrade works
at the park are part of a large number of projects Cobar Shire Council currently has
on the go, many of which have been funded in partnership with the Federal and State
governments. The work is all part of Cobar Shire’s vision to make Cobar a more attractive
place to live, work and play.
Drummond Park is a very busy place with lots of upgrade work currently going on. In
addition to refurbishing the Rotunda, shades have been erected over the barbecue area
and over the toilet block. The front footpath is also being replaced. The upgrade works
at the park are part of a large number of projects Cobar Shire Council currently has
on the go, many of which have been funded in partnership with the Federal and State
governments. The work is all part of Cobar Shire’s vision to make Cobar a more attractive
place to live, work and play.