A bowls Singles Championship game was played at the Golfie on Saturday be-tween a veteran and a shark.
The match between Marlene Wynd and John ‘Shark’ Daly was a good one with Wynd consistently bowling spot on for 30 of the 35 ends, which was impressive to say the least!
However, Shark never gave up and proved perseverance does pay off as he won the match with a 31/30 result on the last end.
Another Singles Championship match was played out on Sunday between master bow-lers Michael Sargent and Gerard Livingston.
The game was a magnificent display of precision bowling.
Livingston’s run of +14 by the 10th end was then challenged by Sargent’s momentum over the next five ends reducing Livingston’s lead to +7.
Hold on to your hats chaps as by the 22nd end the game was a draw!
Livingston went on to win by +7 thus se-curing his well deserved place in the semi final where he will meet John Shark Daly.
There was a field of 14 bowlers for social bowls on Sunday.
In the triples game, Dean ‘Bogger’ McLeod, Peter ‘China’ Brien and Peta Za-zoniuk played Doug Hudson, Karen Daly and Allan Gardoll.
Seasoned Skip, Hudson, had his work cut out for him, and they were only up +1 by the 6th end.
Bogger could do no wrong and, ably assist-ed by China and Peta, he held the mat for the next nine ends.
Despite finding their stride late in the game, Team Hudson could not reign in team Bogger’s winning streak of +13 which se-cured them well deserved bragging rights as winners for the day.
In the pairs games, Peter ‘Skeet’ Goonrey and Helen Boddy defeated Barry Bargwanna and Glenn ‘Kiwi’ Ratcliffe by a resounding +11 margin while Bian Smith and Randal Hall’s five points win on the second last end helped to secure them their match when they finished with +6 over John ‘Shark’ Daly and David Thomas.
The lucky recipient of the George The Gi-raffe Award was Allan Gardoll for his wrong bias and powerfully ditched bowls! —The Second