Paul’s someone you’d want on your side

Paul Featherstone BM ASM, a senior instructor for NSW Ambulance, has been involved in
numerous major emergencies, and will be
Cobar’s 2025 Australia Day Ambassador on Sunday. ▪ Photo contributed

Cobar’s 2025 Australia Day Ambassador Paul Featherstone BM ASM is no stranger to trouble and is definitely someone you’d want on your side.

Paul is a Senior Instructor For NSW Ambulance’s Special Casualty Access Team (SCAT).

He’s spent the past 35 years perfecting skills in the recovery and care of people in life threatening situations, and on countless occasions has placed his own life at risk in order to save the lives of others.

In addition to his regular Paramedic duties, Paul has played a role in aiding multiple victims from a number of major emergencies including the 1977 Granville Rail Crash, 1990 Nyngan Flood, 1997 Thredbo Disaster, 2002 Bali Bombing, 2002 December fires, 2003 Waterfall Rail Disaster and the 2006 Beaconsfield Mine Rescue.

He has twice been the recipient of the Ambulance Service’s highest award for bravery, the Distinguished Service Medal.

Paul has also received the Australian Bravery Medal, the Humane Society’s Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals, the Prince Phillip Helicopter Rescue Award and received the Ambulance Service Medal as part of the 2007 Queen’s Birthday Honour List.

Paul was honoured as the 2007 Sutherland Shire Citizen of the Year and has served as an Australia Day Ambassador since 2007.

His experiences will make him an interesting guest speaker at Cobar’s Australia Day awards presentations at the Cobar Memorial Swimming Pool on Sunday.

In addition to the presentation of this year’s awards winners, Cobar Shire Council is coordinating a day of ‘Aussie’ entertainment and Mayor Jarrod Marsden will officiate at an Australian citizenship ceremony to welcome another new Australian citizen.