The Cobar Mermaids women’s swimming club has decided to trial a new meeting time this season which seems to be working well if their first swim on Sunday morning is anything to go by.
The club welcomed three new swimmers with Michelle Deppeler, Ellen Davidson and Ella Moratti taking their first dips with the Mermaids last week.
It was however the seasoned swimmers who dominated the places in all three handicapped events.
Alex Hernando finished with the best time in the 30 metres event having swum to within 1.15 seconds of her nominated time.
Second was Tanya Gilbert on 1.72 and Bianka Jacobson was third on 1.94.
Jacobson won the 50m with a time of 1.31 seconds off her nominated time.
Gilbert followed on 1.46 and Davidson finished in third place on 1.78.
Gilbert claimed the win in the 100m event with a very close time of 0.72 seconds off her nominated time.
Jacobson was well behind in second place with 3.25 seconds and then Hernando was narrowly behind her on 3.53.
Gilbert finished the morning with a total of 16 club championship points, Jacobson had 15 and Hernando had 12.
The new swimmers also picked up points with Moratti finishing with eight, Davidson (5) and Deppeler (4).