concrete slab and synthetic pitch installed over the past week.
The cricket nets at the Cobar High
School (CHS) have undergone a refurbishment
during the school holidays.
CHS principal Shane Carter said he was
pleased to see the school’s cricket pitch,
which is also available for community use,
undergoing resurfacing.
He said the pitch was worn and in places
had become a trip hazard.
A new concrete base has been laid with a
synthetic pitch to be installed over the top.
“The pitches will now be safer to use and
easier to maintain and will provide students
with facilities that are second to none,”
Mr Carter said.
The cricket pitch refurbishment is one of a
number of infrastructure projects recently
completed at the school.
A shade has been installed over the basketball
courts and the basketball courts have also
been re-surfaced; a 285,000L water tank has
been installed to help water the school’s oval;
a number of classrooms have been refurbished;
and the school has purchased a large
selection of books to help focus on improving
student’s reading targets.
Further plans at the school include upgrading
the computer lab and the installation of
outdoor gym equipment.
“Students will have access to facilities that
are equal to, and in some cases better, than
their city counterparts,” Mr Carter said.