Campers. (Photo taken on Conduit Street facing south with cement works on the left and Heritage Park mine headframe on the far right.)
Cobar Shire Council will be working hard to have a new parking area (that will be available for use by free campers) established within the next two months.
Council’s tourism manager Demi Smith reported to last Thursday’s Tourism Advisory Committee meeting that Council had made work on the Heritage Park Camping Zone on the eastern approach to town “a priority”.
The issue of a free camping area for visitors has been discussed at the committee’s past three meetings, and it was deemed there was a strong demand for it after Council closed their carpark to caravanners and campers in April this year.
At last week’s meeting Demi advised that a Review of Environmental Factors (REF), an environmental assessment used to determine whether an activity should be approved by taking into account all matters that affect or may affect the environment, had been completed.
She said a mine shaft adjacent to the proposed parking site had complicated the process somewhat.
“Ensuring that the proposed site was safe for visitors was first and foremost a priority,” Demi said.
The new parking area will have 50 parking spaces and will be available for self-contained campers…Full story in this week’s edition out now!