Junior and senior netball competitions were due to have commenced on the weekend however due to Coronavirus regulations regarding sport, the courts were empty and will remain that way for some time. All of the club’s competitions have been postponed until further notice.
The new Fast5 Mixed Netball competition recently got underway at the refurbished Ward Oval courts and, after two rounds, Norfolk and Chance and I Dunno are looking to be the dominant sides of the competition. Norfolk and Chance and I Dunno both have the same for and against ratio of […]
The Cobar Senior Netball 2019 season got underway on Saturday with the first round of games commencing on the newly re-surfaced courts. A Grade were up first with JKM Dynamic Fitness winning 47-22 over ENDivas in what surprisingly proved to be a one-sided match. JKM’s Lauren Urquhart had the honour […]
With 112 businesses in Cobar currently registered for JobKeeper, Labor Senator Tim Ayers is concerned local jobs will be at risk if the Government’s scheme is withdrawn at the end of September. Senator Ayers said the JobKeeper scheme is currently supporting more than 20,000 workers in the Parkes electorate, 426 […]