Landholders involved in the Professional Wild Dog Controller (PWDC) Program have recently achieved a major milestone with the 100th wild dog removed from the landscape.
The program, which is coordinated by West-ern Local Land Services, has involved six PWDCs working with local landholders to control wild dogs, as well as increase landhold-er capacity with regards to identifying wild dog signs, understand wild dog behaviours and management options.
To the end of July 2021, the Program, which was launched in February 2020, has seen 103 wild dogs controlled, as well as 48 feral pigs, eight feral cats and four foxes.
Western Local Land Services Regional Pest Animal Coordinator, Phil Baird, praised the landholders and PWDCs involved for achieving the feat.
“This innovative program has been a great addition to the wild dog management tools available to landholders and it’s been great to see it so well supported, and ultimately, so successful to date,” Mr Baird said.
He reported that landholders from 37 proper-ties have had a PWDC on their property, and more properties have registered to be involved in future.
“For those yet to be involved in the program, there is currently an initiative where landhold-ers can have a PWDC visit their property for a day for no charge.
“The purpose of the free trapper for a day is to increase the capacity of landholders to iden-tify wild dog signs and discuss management options.”
Mr Baird said to find out more about this opportunity or the program in general, land-holders should speak with their local biosecuri-ty officer or contact Western Local Land Ser-vices.