A group of local health providers interested in the concept of a “wellness centre” met last Wednesday to discuss the possibility of bringing the idea to life.
Recently the local Integrated Care Forum identified the need for such a centre, with discussions at the forum about the many illnesses related to aging which have no cure and the importance of preventing illness in the first place.
Cobar Shire Council special projects officer Angela Shepherd said this inspired the idea of a wellness centre.
“The vision is for one place where people can go to find out what activities are on, to see a practitioner or get some information.
“The idea is to integrate traditional medicine with complimentary health care,” she said.
At the meeting it was discussed that walking and social groups, yoga, mediation, remedial message and visiting specialist could be based or coordinated out of the centre.
Mrs Shepherd said this idea would require funding and there’s a grant available at present which we are going to try and apply for.
The Liveable Communities Grants program offers $1 million in funding per year for 4 years for projects that improve the lives of older people living in NSW.
Grants of up to $100,000 are available for creative initiatives that make it easier for older people to live active, independent, healthy lives and access their community freely and safely.
Mrs Shepherd said we need to design a plan which is very innovative, includes a wide range of people from the community and it’s important that in the application we clearly identify what our problem is and what our solution is.