Kerry Grant-Mackay, Cobar Shire Council’s economic development manager.
A lively discussion was had at the Cobar VIEW Club’s luncheon meeting last Tuesday about changes and directives from the VIEW Clubs of Australia National Office.
The monthly meeting at the Empire Hotel was very well attended with 22 members enjoying a lovely lunch after discussions took place about the changes.
“It has been deemed that our pledge and the saying of grace is old fashioned and detracts from the club attracting new younger members and is non-inclusive,” Cobar VIEW Club’s publicity officer, Brenda Coleman reported.
“The guest speaker for July, Kerry Grant-Mackay, the economic development manager from Cobar Shire Council, was interesting and informative.”
The group’s August speaker will be Cobar Shire Council’s general manager, Peter Vlatko.
It was with pride that club president Margaret Potter presented a 20 year membership badge to Narda Armstrong and 10 year badges to Lillian Simpson (the group’s current treasurer) and Issie Pretty (assistant program officer).
Members also recognised a milestone birthday for Dora Di Filippo, who is celebrating a big year, also being married 60 years.
The lucky door prize was won by Enid Coath while the raffle prize of a box of fruit and vegetables (donated by Burgess SUPA IGA) was won by Kay Corbett.
The Meals on Wheels volunteers for the August roster are Jan Knight and Brenda Coleman.
The club welcomes new members and guests to join them at their monthly luncheon meetings.