Since starting her AWI Consulting business in 2010, psychologist Angela Webb has worked hard to ensure that country residents have the same access to mental health services as their city counterparts.
“AWI Consulting and Psychology strives to provide rural and remote communities with a professional service by passionate registered mental health professionals who can offer support for people living in the bush,” Ms Webb told The Cobar Weekly.
This year AWI Consulting plans to offer Cobar, Bourke and Brewarrina residents EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) therapy which is used to treat mostly PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and complex trauma.
“This state of the art therapy is usually only available to those living in the city or larger areas, so AWI Consulting are proud to bring this innovative treatment to the smaller communities of central and western NSW,” Ms Webb said.
She said EMDR can also be used to treat many other mental health concerns including anxiety, depression, dissociation, phobias and attachment.
The growing business has recently welcomed another Psychologist, Claire Wood from Dubbo.
The business has also relocated to the Children’s War Memorial Hostel in Barton Street, which is in close proximity to the local GPs and allied health facilities.
“This move means that clients can see their GP, get a referral, and make an appointment to see a psychologist or mental health nurse on the same day,” Ms Webb said.
As well as offering treatment under Medicare and the Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) program, AWI therapists also provide services for Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), Victims Services NSW, Carers NSW, Lifetime Care (Motor Vehicle Accidents), National Disability Insurance Scheme and Workcover.