Stableford winner Tina Gordon, event sponsor representative Adam Armstrong and the 27 hole Scratch B Grade winner Allison Jardine from Hillston.
The 2019 Epiroc Cobar Ladies Golf Open was held on Sunday in what felt like gale force winds and dust which made for very tough playing conditions over the 27 holes.
The results from each grade were:
A Grade—the 27 hole Scratch winner was Narelle Kriz 129 and Chrissy Gilligan (133) was the runner-up; 27 hole Net winner Fay Hardwick with 113 1/2 and runner-up Sally Bannister on 115; 18 hole Scratch winner Deb Matheson 93 (Nyngan) 93 and runner-up Linda McCutcheon (Trangie) 95; 18 hole Net winner Robynne Morton 76 and runner-up Geraldine Francisco 79; the Nearest the Pin winner was Narelle Kriz; and Chrissy Gilligan recorded the Longest Drive.
B Grade—27 hole Scratch winner Allison Jardine (Hillston) 139 and runner-up Val Soulsby (Warren) 142; 27 hole Net winner Pam Sikora 108 and runner-up Karen Manns 109; 18 hole Scratch winner Brenda Fugar 98 on a countback and runner-up Serena Fraser 98; 18 hole Net winner Barb Barklimore 73 and runner-up Susan Goonrey 75; the Nearest the Pin winner Suzie Hardwick; and Suzie Hardwick also had the Longest Drive.
C Grade—27 hole Stableford winner Tina Gordon 56 points, runner-up Bek McKay (Warren) 47 on a countback and 3rd place Glenis Prisk 47; 18 hole Stableford winner Alma Rogers 31, runner-up Deb Reko (Hillston) 27 on a countback and 3rd place Karen Walsh 27; the Nearest the Pin winner was Tina Gordon; and Karen Walsh had the Longest Drive.
Tina Gordon had an incredible day which only got better when she won the Barb Bartlett Trophy for the best local Net score and also the Vi McLaughlin Trophy for the best C Grade player.
The pairs winners were Kay Martin and Val Soulsby from Warren with 68 and the A/B team winners were Serena Fraser, Sally Bannister and Chrissy Gilligan.
The C Grade pairs win went to Glenis Prisk and Alma Rogers.
Pam Sikora won the Grandmother’s Award.
Saturday’s Peak Gold Mines-sponsored day had perfect golfing weather which suited Fay Hardwick and Narelle Kriz when they came in winners with a scratch score of 78.
The runners-up were Geraldine Francisco and Sally Bannister with 84 off the stick.
Karen Manns and Angela Fryer were the Net winners with 66 net and the runners-up, Serena Fraser and Sue Phillips, posted 68 1 /2 net.
Nearest the Pin prizes went to Narelle Kriz and Fay Hardwick on the 3rd hole, Karen Manns and Angela Fryer on the 7th, Jannine Wilkin and Chrissy Gilligan on the 8th and 15th with the 11th hole win going to Sally Bannister and Geraldine Francisco.
Last Wednesday’s Stroke game only had four contenders.
Robynne Morton held on for the win with 72 net with Chrissy Gilligan finishing with 73 net.
The putting competition was a four-way win for Pam Sikora, Jannine Wilkin, Robynne Morton and Chrissy Gilligan who all had 27 putts for the day.
A Stableford game is scheduled for today with a Par on Saturday and a Stroke game on Sunday.
The NSW Sand Green Championships are being held in Narromine this weekend with a large number of Cobar lady golfers declaring their interest in making the trip to compete in this event.—T’d Off