At the recent February meeting of the Country Women’s Association (CWA) branch members were advised of two donations the group had received for their Drought Appeal in the Cobar district.
One donation was from Robert Khan, Director of Khan’s SUPA IGA Supermarket with the cheque presented to president Colleen Boucher on Thursday.
Khan’s director, Robert Khan, told The Cobar Weekly his chain of supermarket businesses in rural NSW relies heavily on farmers and their communities.
“To see the devastation of our faming communities, and the knock-on effect we see on our produce and meat suppliers is absolutely heartbreaking,” Mr Khan said.
The other donation came from Matt Appleby of Modified Hilux N70 who held a Christmas raffle and donate the proceeds which were shared by Cobar CWA and Longreach CWA.
Cobar CWA was very appreciative for both donations and will decide with other parties how the funds will be distributed.
The meeting was enjoyable and busy with the club welcoming two new members.
Also present was a Year 12 student who received the Ellen Knight Memorial Scholarship and her mother. Members are hoping to meet the Ellen Knight Memorial Scholarship Year 11 recipient at their next meeting.
Brytt Moore from Cobar Shire Council attended the meeting and brought members up to date with the planning for the Grey Mardi Gras Festival to be held in April. It appears there will be lots to do that weekend and members were invited to join the celebrations.
While the group’s International Officer was unable to attend a seminar on Papua New Guinea (this year’s International Country of Study), members were shown two samples of weaving of bags from the region which have been constructed in a style that is not quite crochet or knitting, but very good.
The Far West Group of CWA Council meeting will be held in Trangie next month with the judging of the CWA handicraft items to take place.—contributed