Cobar Pony Club held its second rally for the year on Sunday and welcomed some new members who are keen to learn new skills and have fun with their ponies.
Riding members were broken into two groups, seniors and juniors.
In the morning session, the junior group had fun with a big soccer ball.
Horse Soccer helps teach riders about steering and rein control while they are focusing on following and bumping the ball around the arena.
The senior group practised riding without stirrups to practice seat and leg position and control.
They also took part in Freestyle Dressage to music where they had to try and move their horse around the arena using the beat and rhythm of the music to change gait and pace all while completing a set of four given manoeuvres that had to be included in part of their performance.
The senior group also had a bit of a play around with the polocrosse racquets to their horses used to the racquet and ball.
Activities included picking up the ball, catching and throwing.
Both groups also practiced their sporting events which included Bending, Flagging, Stockman’s Twist, Pony Bounce and Barrels.
A number of pony club volunteers helped out on the day to ensure a great day was had by all.
Cobar Pony Club members will be competing at Nyngan’s One Day Event this weekend.—contributed