Gordon Hill has been elected as the new Cobar RSL Sub Branch president taking over the role from Kain Neale.
A former Army Reserve Sergeant with 19 years of service, Mr Hill fills the mandatory criteria of the president’s role as someone who is a service member.
The role of RSL Sub Branches in the community is to coordinate services and commemorations on key occasions such as Anzac Day, and Remembrance Day and advocate for the wellbeing of all veterans and their families.
Outgoing president, Mr Neale explained RSL Sub Branches do not own or operate clubs.
He said there’s also the misconception that it’s “an old fellas club” and was just for World War I and II veterans.
“That’s not the case,” he said.
It’s Australia’s largest ex-service organisation, that aims to connect veterans and their families to services and provides them with an outlet for community engagement.
Mr Hill said he hoped more younger local veterans, servicemen and women, would join the Sub Branch and have an input into the group’s activities.
Apart from Mr Neale stepping down (due to leaving town), the rest of the executive committee remains unchanged with Chris Boucher returned as vice president, Stephen Dutton retains the secretary’s role and Colleen Boucher will continue as treasurer.
Other non-executive positions of welfare officer, pensioner officer and recruiting officer were also filled.
In general business the meeting discussed the restoration of the cenotaph in Drummond Park.
Mr Neale advised the Sub Branch had been successful in receiving a $3,500 donation from Aurelia/Peak Gold Mines to render the cenotaph to ensure it blends in with the new war memorial currently in the planning for Drummond Park.