The Road Boss Rally rolled into Cobar last week and stayed a bit longer than scheduled as wet weather hampered the cars from further journeying onto Tilpa.
According to their website, a Road Boss Rally is not just a drive along dirt roads with a bunch of other cars.
“It captures the heart and soul of the Australian bush and takes you on a wide eyed journey through country show casing all that is wonderful and amazing hidden inside our unique Australian landscape.”
The 2023 rally route was to follow the Darling inland river flow and take participants on a journey of discovery as they travelled through Queensland and western New South Wales.
“Big towns, little towns, no towns, bush tracks, camp fires, communities and cultures” were all part of the experience the rally offered to participants.
Since 2016, GIVIT has been the charity of choice for the Road Boss Rally and in that time they have raised over $1.5 million.
GIVIT works with over 4,500 charities across Australia with charities and organisations that need help making requests to GIVIT.
It may range from a single child or adults in need or an orgaisation that needs either financial assistance or resources.
Cobar Mobile Children’s Services’ Ngalii Preschool and Cobar Mobile Playgroup were beneficiaries this year with GIVIT donating resources to both projects.
GIVIT’S Jaydon Munn and Lisa Herbert were in the rally and called in to drop off some new resources to Ngalii’s Director Rebecca Howard and Cobar Mobile Playgroup’s Authorised Supervisor Bridget Brookman.
“GIVIT focuses heavily on giving back to communities and they donated resources to both projects that were purchased in our community,” Bridget said.
Rebecca and Bridget gave the visitors an insight as to what is involved in their roles with Cobar’s children’s services. Bridget said her first experience with GIVIT had been in 2019 when one of her bush families was helped by GIVIT, with the donation of a shipping container which was to be used as a classroom.
“The difference this made to the children’s education was incredible,” Bridget said.
“It was a quiet area (away from their home and distractions) that was purely used for their distance education classroom.”
Both Rebecca and Bridget welcomed the donation of resources and plan to reach out to GIVIT again if the need arises.