A former Girl Guide and now a new Guide Leader, Bobbi Murray, was officially sworn in on Saturday at the Cobar Girl Guide Hall.
To earn her Leadership badge, Bobbi undertook training through Girl Guides Australia which included various aspects about Guiding and child safety.
“I was a Girl Guide for 10 years and then I was a Junior Leader before I moved away.
“When I moved back to Cobar I wanted my daughter to get involved in Girl Guides and they were a bit short on leaders so I thought, I’ll have a crack at that,” Bobbi said.
“I have such fond memories of being a Girl Guide and some of the skills that I learnt have helped me throughout my entire life, such as being independent, making decisions, leadership skills, working as a team, working together, supporting each other and having fun.
“One of the main drivers was my experience as a Girl Guide and the fun I had and being able to pass that on,” Bobbi said.
Cobar Girl Guides Leader, Cathy Manns, (who was one of Bobbi’s Leaders when she was a Guide) said they were thrilled to have Bobbi come on board as another Leader.
“It’s fantastic because it means that we can have extra girls,” Cathy said…Full story in this week’s edition out now!