Cobar residents may have noticed a few changes being made at the Cobar Caravan Park over the past six months after new leasee/managers took over in December.
The park is now under the management of Matt Williams from Sustainable Park Solutions (and member of the G’day Parks independent caravan and holiday park group) who hopes to transform the park into an “Outback Oasis”.
Matt has made some marketing changes including giving the park a new brand, web-site and signage.
“We’ve undertaken a major tree mainte-nance and lopping program, installed new electric barbecues throughout the park and upgraded the main electrical switchboard,” Matt said.
“We’re currently installing a new block of three studio units using local contractors and trades for the installation.
“This week we are installing new air condi-tioners in five cabins so there’s plenty of re-furbishment works going on at the park.
“The park has been a little unloved over the last few years so we are working hard on im-proving the quality and consistency of the guest experience,” Matt said.
“We also have purchased our furniture and whitegoods through local suppliers and we try wherever we can to use local suppliers and keep the dollars in town.”
Matt said there’s also lots more new ameni-ties planned for the park.
“We have recently submitted a master plan to Council for a multi-million dollar upgrade of the park which will see a range of new recreational and communal facilities added to the park over the coming years including a playground, flying fox, meeting room, new amenities block as well as additional accom-modation for tourists and corporates,” he said.
Matt and his company are no stranger to managing and upgrading caravan parks.
“We currently own and or manage six other caravan parks and these are spread across New South Wales and Victoria so we spend a lot of time in the car driving between parks.
“We also run a park consulting services busi-ness providing park redevelopment and master planning advice across Australia,” Matt said.
“Our clients are other caravan park operators as well as Councils. For example we have re-cently completed a range of works for the Cen-tral Darling Shire Council and are excited about the opportunities this will create for the communities of Wilcannia and White Cliffs.”
Cobar Caravan Park attracts a mix of guests from Grey Nomads passing through, families on school holidays, workers and also guests transiting through Cobar on their way to inter-state capitals.
Matt said on average they stay one to two nights but is hoping when the museum and road to Mt Grenfell re-open, guests will be able to extend their stays a bit longer.