Cobar’s housing market continues to be buoyant with 11 houses sold in just over two hours by David Russell’s Nutrien Har-courts team last week.
The former Endeavor Mine homes owned by Cobar Infrastructure, were offered for sale via two separate online auctions on Wednes-day and Friday.
The highest clearance, $204,000 was for a three bedroom home in Denman Street, which experienced the most competitive bidding.
Five homes/lots were offered at the first auction on Wednesday; two sold at auction, another two, that failed to reach reserve, sold later that day and the fifth lot was re-offered to the market at the second auction on Friday, where it did sell.
There was a buying frenzy for Friday’s auc-tion with plenty of interest and competition for six lots (along with 22 Mathews Street that had been passed in on Wednesday).
At the fall of the hammer all seven lots had sold above their reserves.
The second highest price paid was $180,000 which was offered for another three bedroom house in Bathurst Street while the average price ($148,000) was what a four bedroom home in Woodiwiss Avenue went for.
The sale of the 11 homes netted the vendor $1.638 million.