Cobar Rotary hands out $8,500 to local organisations

Members of the Cobar Girl Guides, Cobar Youth & Community Centre, The Cobar
Weekly, Cobar High School, CatholicCare and ROAR were presented with donations from Cobar Rotary Club members Molly Patton and Therese Hill (at far right standing) at the club’s Changeover Dinner at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club on Monday night.

The Rotary Club of Cobar celebrated entry into the new Rotary year with their annual Changeover Dinner on Monday evening at the Bowling & Golf Club.

The incoming club president David Snelson announced the new Rotary Club Management Board to club members and invited guests during the dinner.

Club secretary Gordon Hill said it had been another busy year for their small group of club members.

Mr Hill outlined their involvement with several major events including the Tour de OROC (which this year raised a record amount of $235,400 for the Dubbo Macquarie Home Stay, which is very well used by Cobar residents) and also the Science and Engineering Challenge (an event which the Cobar High School won again this year).

“The club has struggled to maintain adequate membership to keep the club functioning but we have successfully welcomed three new members of the Cobar community to the club in recent weeks,” Mr Hill said.

“While these three younger members of the community are very welcome in the club, more people, particularly young people, are still needed if the club is to continue to provide support to people in need and to support our other community groups.”

Mr Hill said during the past year, the Cobar club has worked hard to raise funds, particularly through their Return and Earn project, which is run with help from the Cobar Girl Guides.

He reported Return and Earn had netted the club almost $14,000 during the year.

Some of that funding was handed out to local community groups during Monday’s Changeover Dinner and included: $1,500 to Cobar High School (for the Science & Engineering Challenge) and $1,000 each to Macquarie Homestay, Royal Flying Doctor Dubbo Support Group, ROAR (Rural Outback Animal Rescue and Respite), Cobar Youth & Community Centre, The Cobar Weekly, Cobar Girl Guides and CatholicCare Cobar.