Services Club on Friday.
Threatening wild weather once again moved the annual ‘Night to Remember Our Lost Miners’ service indoors to the Services Club on Friday night.
Among this year’s guest speakers were CSA Mine’s production foreman Mark Gunnulson who spoke about the changes he’s seen in the 35 years he’s been working in the mining industry.
Local historian and museum curator Kay Stingemore talked about how the Miners Memorial will look and gave a personal account of the lives of some of the men whose names will appear inside the memorial (those who lost their lives in mining accidents) and others whose names will be noted outside the memorial (those who have lost their lives from industrial dust related diseases as a result of mining).
Mrs Stingemore said it was very sad to see that a number of these men were from the same families.
A highlight of this year’s service was a ‘150 Years of Cobar’ tribute which featured video interviews with four of Cobar’s oldest residents, nonagenarians Lance ‘Tiger’ McBride, Marge Dowling, Eric Manns and May Higgins.
The four spoke about the changes they have seen in Cobar over the years, how mining has influenced their lives, and offered some wise advice to younger Cobar residents.
“Talk it up, never talk it down.
“If Cobar has done something good for you please try and return it by doing something good back,” was Tiger McBride’s advice.
Marge Dowling called for the younger generation to be kind.
“Be kind to others whatever colour, religion or beliefs,” she said.
May Higgins said: ‘Whatever you chose to do with your life make sure it makes you happy.”
“Don’t forget your friends, work hard and look after your family,” was Eric Manns’ advice to the next generation.