The Cobar Lady Golfers have once again secured the Western District Ladies Golf Association (WDLGA) RoseBowl claiming their win by the narrowest of margins on Sunday.
The RoseBowl winners are determined on a best net score of two players out of a team of three from each participating town.
Cobar hosted the event this year and had 21 local players competing.
Their names were put into a hat and drawn out to make seven teams.
Karen Manns, Barb Barklimore and Sally Bannister proved to be the winning combina-tion with Mann’s 73 net and Bannister’s bril-liant 66 net adding up to the best score of 139 net. Two teams from other towns were close behind on 140 net.
The weekend attracted nearly 100 players from 16 towns from across the state.
The Epiroc sponsored Open results were: 18 Hole Scratch winners—A Grade Jenny Ste-phenson (Cobar) 78, B Grade Megan Starr (Grenfell) 95, C Grade Pat Polack (Cobar) 107; 18 Hole Scratch runners-up—A Grade Sally Bannister (Cobar) 81, B Grade Lyn Sparkes (Grenfell) 96, C Grade Karen Han-cock (Grenfell) 107; 18 Hole Net winners—A Grade Judy Ridley (Warren) 69, B Grade Irene Murray (Cumnock) 71, C Grade Glenda Peebles (Cobar) 71; 18 Hole net runners-up—A Grade Charlotte Lee (Cumnock) 71, B Grade Heather Druce (Warren) 71, C Grade Kerry Duncan (Warren) 75; 9 Hole Net win-ners—A Grade Deb Matheson (Nyngan) 30 ½, B Grade Jenny Hubbard (Forbes) 30 ½, C Grade Lisa Cobb (Manildra) 31 ½.
Other winners on the day were: Vet— Judy Ridley (Warren), Grandmother—Sally Ban-nister (Cobar), Nearest the Pin—A Grade Jenny Stephenson (Cobar), B Grade Barb Barklimore (Cobar), C Grade Belinda Randall (Trundle), Longest drive—A Grade Jenny Stephenson, B Grade Megan Starr, C Grade Lisa Cobb.
The best net score pair were Sally Bannister and Jenny Stephenson with 138 net.
The Barb Bartlett award for the Best local net score went to Sally Bannister with 66 net.
The Vi McLaughlin award for best local C Grade player was Pat Polack with 69 net.
The Aurelia sponsored Canadian event played on Saturday had over 80 participants with Marlene Wynd and Jenny Stephenson combining well to win the 18 hole Scratch title.
Deb Matheson and Mandy Martin from Nyngan were runners-up and the pair collect-ed more prizes with Nearest the Pin wins on the 11th and 15th holes.
Fay Hardwick partnered with Charlotte Lee (Cumnock) to finish second runners-up. Rhonda Darcy and Chris Trudgett from Warren were the Net winners with Janine Tulenow and Viv Pateman from Nyngan run-ners-up (as well as being closest to the flag on the 7th hole).
Brenda Fugar teamed up with mum Barb Barklimore to finish as second runners-up in the Net competition.
Susan Orbell and Karen Walsh were Nearest the Pin winners on the 3rd hole and Fay Hard-wick and Charlotte Lee picked up the 8th pin.
Some early practice for the weekend in last Wednesday’s Stroke game proved to be a bonus for a few.
Marlene Wynd got the win with 70 net fol-lowed by a countback between Ann Dunn and Jenny Stephenson who both scored 73 net.
Daphne Cross was next with 74 net.
Susan Goonrey was best with the short stick having 25 putts over the 18 holes.
Today is a Stableford game with a Par to be played on Sunday.
A big influx of golfers is expected in Cobar for the annual Inter Mine Golf Challenge on Saturday.
The three person Ambrose is expected to be a great day with an auction to follow plus the drawing of the major raffle, the Tyre Doctor sponsored, golf cart.—T’d Off