Cobar Clay Target Club president Bryan Manns congratulating Rob Thompson on his
win of the 50 Target State Night Point Score Championships title on Sunday. More
results and photos in next week’s edition. ▪ Photo contributed
With there being not much competition for the Cobar Roosters in the Castlereagh Youth League competition this season, the Cobar Under 18s were thrilled to take to the field on Sunday for an organised game against Brewarrina. The Cobar boys came out keen and eager to play after being let […]
Cobar Shire Council copped a lot of criti-cism last week after a number of trees, in-cluding our ancient Morton Bay Fig trees in the CBD, were given a trim and others were cut down. A number of disgruntled residents took to social media to express their displeasure at what they […]
Cobar is heading for a record breaking year with Cobar Shire Council’s tourism manager, Demi Smith, predicting if the high visitor numbers continue, then this year will be one of our best on record. Reporting the visitor statistics for September to last week’s Tourism Advisory public meeting, Demi proudly said […]